Adobe I/O APIs

Available since version 3.18.0


This feature enables you to make Adobe I/O api-calls, whereby all the plumbing is done for you.

How to

Follow this article to setup your integration on Adobe I/O:

Once this is done…

  1. Configure ACS AEM Commons - Adobe I/O Integration Configuration via /system/console/configMgr
  2. The values need to be copied for the integration on
  3. The private key needs to be copied include the header and footer lines (BEGIN PRIVATE KEY / END PRIVATE KEY)
  4. Login claims can be found under the JWT-tab, values are like

Adobe I/O Integration

Once this is done, you can configure the endpoints you want to use, an example is displayed here.

Endpoint configuration

After all these configurations you can use the health check (/system/console/healthcheck) ‘adobeio’ to test this all.

Adobe I/O healthcheck

How to use this in your code?

When you have defined your endpoints you can use them inside your code like this

@Reference(target = "(id=target-activities)")
private EndpointService endpointService;

Once you have the reference to the EndpointService you can execute the Adobe I/O api calls.


The full Java Docs for this API can be found at: