Custom Widgets and Validators


Why is this deprecated?

Since AEM 6.2, UI should be used for developing components. Since these widgets are in direct support of ClassicUI widget development, they are deprecated.

How to Use

Vanity Path Uniqueness Check (Since 1.5.0)

The uniqueVanityPath vtype ensures that a sling:vanityPath value is unique across a particular installation of AEM. To enable this, create a copy of /libs/foundation/components/page/tab_basic specific to your page component(s) and then reference this copy from your page component(s) dialog. Edit the node at items/vanity/items/vanityPath so that only these properties are set:

xtype: cqinclude
path:  /apps/acs-commons/components/utilities/unique-vanity-path/vanityPath.infinity.json

This creates the field with the appropriate field validator.

Multi Field Panel (Since 1.5.0)

The multifieldpanel widget is a widget which enables the management of complex items in a traditional multifield. These complex items are composed of multiple widgets. For example, a field containing terms and definitions would be configured using this node structure:

         <items jcr:primaryType="cq:WidgetCollection">

A similar widget has circulated in the past under the name multifieldmultifield.

This widget persists its data into a single JSON-encoded string per item where each data element’s key in the JSON object is defined in the key configuration property. For example, this dialog entry:

MultiFieldPanel in Dialog

Would be stored as:

{"term":"term","definition":"a word or phrase used to describe a thing"}

To ease working with these JSON objects, a JSP function exists:

<%@ taglib prefix="widgets" uri="" %>
<c:set var="definitions" value="${widgets:getMultiFieldPanelValues(resource, 'definitions')}"/>

At this point, definitions contains a List<Map<String, String>> which can then be iterated through using <c:forEach> (or any other way you might iterate over a collection):

<c:forEach items="${definitions}" var="definition">
    <dt>${xss:encodeForHTML(xssAPI, definition['term'])}</dt>
    <dd>${xss:encodeForHTML(xssAPI, definition['definition'])}</dt>

To work with these JSON objects in sightly, a WCMUse class (since version 2.9.0/3.6.0) exists:

   <sly data-sly-use.multiField="${ 'com.adobe.acs.commons.widgets.MultiFieldPanelWCMUse' @ name='definitions' }">

At this point, multiField contains an instance of the class and the property values can be iterated through using data-sly-list:

   <dl data-sly-list.definition="${ multiField.values }">
        <dt>${ definition.term }</dt>
        <dd>${ definition.definition }</dd>

It is possible to retrieve values from diferent resources setting the location parameter in the WCMUse initialization. If none is set, the current resource is used.

Drag-and-Drop Path Field (Since 1.1.0)

The ddpathfield widget is a drop-in replacement for the standard pathfield widget. It supports all the same capabilities of the pathfield and adds the ability to drag-and-drop pages and assets from the Content Finder. It works both by itself and within a multifield.

By default, the will accept either pages or assets. This behavior can be restricted by setting the ddGroups configuration property to one or more of the DD_GROUP constants from CQ.wcm.EditBase:

  • media
  • page
  • editcomponent
  • default
  • paragraph
  • product

MultiField Minimum and Maximum Validator (Since 1.0.0)

When installed, ACS AEM Commons seamlessly adds support to the existing CQ.form.MultiField widget to provide a minimum and/or maximum number of items. These are defined in configuration properties named minItems and maxItems.

Additional Search Predicates (Since 1.0.0)

These additional search predicate widgets are available for use in the SiteAdmin and DAM Admin Search Panels:

  • authorizablepredicate - Select a user or group, e.g. to search for assets who were last modified by a particular user.
  • selectionpredicate - Select a value from a drop down list.
  • pathpropertypredicate - Use a path field to select a path and then search for property values matching that path.

Configuration Options

Authorizable Predicate

Configuration Options:

  • propertyName - Name of property for search. Defaults to jcr:content/jcr:lastModifiedBy
  • predicateName - QueryBuilder predicate name. Defaults to property
  • filter - Authorizable type filter. Can be groups or users (defaults to users)

Selection Predicate

Configuration Options:

  • propertyName - Name of property for search.
  • predicateName - QueryBuilder predicate name. Defaults to property
  • options - See options on CQ.form.Selection

Path Property Predicate

Configuration Options:

  • propertyName - Name of property for search.
  • predicateName - QueryBuilder predicate name. Defaults to property.
  • rootPath - Root path for path selection. Defaults to /content.
  • pathFieldPredicateName - See predicate on CQ.form.PathField