Content Fragment Importer

Available since version 5.4.0

This utility allows you to import content fragments from a spreadsheet into AEM. Click here to read on how to start a process. When prompted to select the process, pick “Content Fragment Import”.


There are several options to control how data will be brought into AEM with this tool:

  • Excel file: Provide the input spreadsheet.
  • Dry run: Only report on what actions would be taken without doing any actual work.
  • Detailed report: Report on all actions taken, otherwise only brief summary information is provided in the report.

Input Spreadsheet Requirements

The input spreadsheet must have a header row followed by data rows, e.g.

path name title template field1 field2
/content/dam/cf-import import-1 CF Test 1 /conf/cf-import/settings/dam/cfm/models/cf-test-model value1 2022
/content/dam/cf-import import-2 CF Test 2 /conf/cf-import/settings/dam/cfm/models/cf-test-model value2 0.5

This input will create two content fragments in AEM:

+  /content/dam/cf-import
     +  import-1
        - jcr:title   CF Test 1  
        - cq:model    /conf/cf-import/settings/dam/cfm/models/cf-test-model   
     +  import-2  
        - jcr:title   CF Test 2         
        - cq:model    /conf/cf-import/settings/dam/cfm/models/cf-test-model   

Download sample spreadsheet and CF model to see all available options.

Required Columns

The first four columns have fixed names and are required:

Name Sample Value Description
path /content/dam/cf-import The parent path of the fragment to be created
name import-1 The name of the fragment to be created
title CF Importer Test The title of the fragment to be created
template /conf/cf-import/settings/dam/cfm/models/cf-test-model The CF model to be used.

Content Fragment Data Columns

The data columns map the spreadsheet cells to the fields in the CF model: image

Data Type in CF Model Cell Type in Excel Sample Value
Single line text Text single value
Multi line text Text Multiline text
with line breaks and html tags
Number Number 1974
Boolean Boolean TRUE
Date and time Date 1974-02-16T13:36:00
16-Feb-74 1:36 PM
130253760000 (epoch time)
Enumeration Text enumValue
Tags Text orientation:landscape
Content Reference Text /content/we-retail/page1
Fragment Reference Text /content/dam/cf-fragments/fragment-1
JSON Object Text {"field": "value"}

Multivalued Fields

To specify multiple values fields enter multiple lines in a single Excel cell by pressing Alt + Enter keys simultaneously while entering text.

CF Metadata Columns

You can optionally set CF metadata such as tags or description.

Column Name Sample Value Description
jcr:description Hello, CF Import! CF Description
cq:tags@[] properties:orientation/portrait,properties:orientation/square comma-separated list of tags

Process report

After the import has completed, the list of imported paths can be found in the results report, obtained by these instructions. This report lists all paths which were processed or skipped with some supplemental information about the action taken.