Hierarchical Page Property Sling Models Injector

Available since version 4.0.0


Allows for Sling Models to inject a inherited page property (jcr:content of the page) into your sling model. This works whether you have your sling model on the page itself, or if you have a resource that resides under a page. Used PageManager.getContainingPage to retrieve the page.

If the property is not on the current page, will use InheritanceValueMap to attempt to retrieve property from parent pages. Notice: Please consider if using context aware configuration is better for your use case.

Apart from above, behaves exactly like @ValueMapValue, which supports a single primitive value, or a list / collection / array of primitives. Injections are available when adapting either a Resource or SlingHttpServletRequest object. Note: Out of performance reasons, only works with @HierarchicalPageProperty as annotation, not @Inject.


//we set our design property (cq:designPath) on our language root page.
//now we want to use that property in a component that is somewhere down in the hierarchy.

//design property located on:  /content/acs-commons/en/jcr:content

//injected resource path:      /content/acs-commons/en/page/jcr:content/mycomponent

@Model(adaptables = { SlingHttpServletRequest.class, Resource.class })
public class TestModel {

    private String designPath;

    public String getDesignPath() {
        //outputs design property set on our language root page with path: /content/acs-commons/en
        return designPath;

Updates in 6.6.0

Via adapter - get the page content resource to adapt from

// our page sling model, based upon the page jcr:content resource.
@Model(adaptables = { Resource.class },
adapters = { TestModel.class}
@Exporter(name = ExporterConstants.SLING_MODEL_EXPORTER_NAME, extensions = ExporterConstants.SLING_MODEL_EXTENSION)
public class TestModel {

    private String myVal;

    public String getMyVal() {
        return myVal;

// our component sling model, referencing the page sling model
@Model(adaptables = { SlingHttpServletRequest.class, Resource.class })
public class TestModel {

        //inject our page sling model from the page jcr:content. easy!
        @Via(type = PageContentResourceViaType.class, value = "resourcePage")
        @Self(injectionStrategy = InjectionStrategy.OPTIONAL)
        PageModel testModel;

You can do more with the Via annotation! Example, inject ValueMap values, although we already have that in annotations.

// our component sling model, referencing the page sling model
@Model(adaptables = { SlingHttpServletRequest.class, Resource.class })
public class TestModel {

        //inject our page sling model from the page jcr:content. easy!
        @Via(type = PageContentResourceViaType.class, value = "resourcePage")
        private String myVal;

Example - currentPage (useful when using request wrappers)

//we set our design property (cq:designPath) on our language root page.
//now we want to use that property in a component that is somewhere down in the hierarchy.

//design property located on:  /content/acs-commons/en/jcr:content

//current page path:      /content/acs-commons/en/page/jcr:content/mycomponent

//resource page path:      /content/acs-commons/en/other-page

//resource included path:      /content/acs-commons/en/other-page/jcr:content/mycomponent

@Model(adaptables = { SlingHttpServletRequest.class, Resource.class })
public class TestModel {

    @HierarchicalPageProperty(value="cq:designPath", useCurrentPage=true)
    private String designPath;

    public String getDesignPath() {
        //outputs design property set on our language root page with path: /content/acs-commons/en
        return designPath;

Example - currentPage (useful when using request wrappers)

public class TestModel {

     * Start traversing upwards in the hierarchy from a specific level, skipping lower levels.
     * @since 6.0.16
     * @see https://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/6-5/javadoc/com/day/cq/wcm/api/Page.html#getAbsoluteParent-int-
     *   | level | returned                        |
     *  |     0 | /content                        |
     *  |     1 | /content/geometrixx             |
     *  |     2 | /content/geometrixx/en          |
     *  |     3 | /content/geometrixx/en/products |
     *  |     4 | null
     * If we'd use 1 in this example, we would skip over level 2 and 3.
    @HierarchicalPageProperty(traverseFromAbsoluteParent  = 1)
    private String skipLevelHierarchicalPagePropertyString;

    public String getSkipLevelHierarchicalPagePropertyString() {
        //outputs design property set on our language root page with path: /content/acs-commons/en
        return skipLevelHierarchicalPagePropertyString;