Redirect Manager - Support For Sling Mappings

Support For Sling Mappings

In the simplest form ACS Redirect Manager maps a JCR path to another JCR path , e.g.

/content/we-retail/en/page1 => /content/we-retail/en/page2

which means the redirect target will be put in the Location header as is:

$ curl -I http://localhost:4503/content/we-retail/en/page1.html
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /content/we-retail/en/page2.html

This may not work for setups where Dispatcher forces shortened URLs via mod_rewrite rules, e.g. # HTTP 200 # HTTP 404, only shortened paths are accepted

in such a case client expects a shortened url in the Location header, e.g.

$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /en/page2.html   # or

To meet this requirement ACS Redirect Manager supports Sling Mappings . With this feature redirect target will be passed through ResourceResolver#map before setting the Location header.

Enable Sling Mappings

Sling Mappings in Redirect Filter are disabled by default. To enable this feature check the ‘Rewrite Location Headers’ checkbox in the OSGi configuration or add a mapUrls="{Boolean}true" parameter in the OSGi configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:jcr=""


In the example below we will setup Sling Mappings for the We.Retail site and use them to map redirect rules.

We.Retail Sling Mappings

Create a node /etc/map/https/ with the following content:

  "jcr:primaryType": "sling:Folder",
  "": {
    "jcr:primaryType": "sling:Mapping",
    "sling:internalRedirect": [

With this mappings Sling will map a full JCR path to a shortened domain URL, e.g.

// map /content/we-retail/en/page1 to
String mappedUrl ="/content/we-retail/en/page1"); // returns

where the domain and schema are taken from the path by naming conventions. See the Mappings for Resource Resolution page for more details.

Mapping Redirect Target

With the mappings above the Location header will be passed through ResourceResolver#map and user will get a shortened domain URL, e.g.

$ curl -I http://localhost:4503/content/we-retail/en/page1.html
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location:  # mapped from /content/we-retail/en/page2.html

Mapping Redirect Source

Support for Sling Mappings provides another handy feature: when mappings are enabled Redirect Filter will first try to match
the full JCR path, e.g. /content/we-retail/en/page1.html and if it didn’t match it will try to match the mapped path, e.g. /en/page1.html

This makes it possible to define redirect rules either in terms of full JCR paths or in shortened paths. For example, the two rules below are equivalent:

# /content/we-retail/en/page => /content/we-retail/en/welcome

$ curl -I http://localhost:4503/content/we-retail/en/page.html
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location:  # mapped from /content/we-retail/en/page2.html


# /en/page => /en/welcome

$ curl -I http://localhost:4503/content/we-retail/en/page.html
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /en/welcome.html  # redirect target as is

In the second case Redirect Filter will first try to lookup a rule by the JCR Path (/content/we-retail/en/page) and then will try to match the mapped path (/en/page) .

Custom Location Rewriter

There can be cases clients would want to apply custom logic to rewrite the Location header before delivery. Redirect Manager provides a hook which allows to register a class to rewrite urls:

package com.adobe.acs.commons.redirects;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;

public class MyLocationAdjuster implements LocationHeaderAdjuster{
    public String adjust(SlingHttpServletRequest request, String location) {

            String loc = StringUtils.substringAfter(location,"/content/we-retail/de/");
            return "" + loc;
        return location;

You can use it as an alternative to Sling Mappings.