
Available since version 1.0.0

If you’ve ever used http://localhost:4502/libs/granite/ui/content/dumplibs.html you know that it works, but the UI has room for improvement and sometimes you can’t find what you’re looking for easily.

ACS AEM Tools’ Dumplibs feature tool fixes this, and exposes most of the functionality in the original dumplibs.html but with a more usable UI!

The is accessed via AEM > Tools > ACS AEM Tools > Dumplibs.


  • All clientlibs are loaded on first page load, and then filtered on the front-end
  • You can filter the list of clientlibs via path, categories, channels and type. Filters are evaluated with an AND operation.
  • Filters are applied as-you-type :)
  • Clicking on the path field will open a dialog showing more details about the clienlib for both JS and CSS types.
  • Clicking on one of the categories will open a dialog showing ALL clientlibs that use that category for both JS and CSS types.
  • Links with the pencil icon will open that link in CRX/DE for easy access. Clicking the link itself will take you to that link directly.





Internal implementation notes


  • an HTTP API is exposed at /etc/acs-tools/dumplibs/_jcr_content.app.json
  • API params:
    • path: the clientlib JCR path (takes precedence over categories if both are present). returns ONE clientlib
    • categories a comma-separated string of the categories to search for. returns ALL clientlibs with categories.
    • type: either JS or CSS
    • trans: (used only when categories is specified) transitive
    • themed: (used only when categories is specified) themed clientlib
  • If no params specified, all clientlibs are returned