What is ACS AEM Tools?

A set of tools for making AEM developer lives easier.

When should I use ACS AEM Tools?

ACS AEM Tools is ONLY for use on development and QA environments.

Where do I get ACS AEM Tools?

Download the latest release and install via Package Manager. 1




Just a little lipstick...

Sling Component Debug Filter

Sling Component Debug Filter

Where's that component coming from?

Resource Type/Template Updater

Resource Type/Template Updater

Update sling:resourceType and cq:Templates in bulk!



WebUI front-end for VLT-RCP

Tag Maker

Tag Maker

Plucked from an AEM taxonomist's dream!

CSV Asset Importer

CSV Asset Importer

Easily import assets w/ metadata!

Explain Query

Explain Query

Understand how Oak's query engine is executing queries

Client Library Optimizer

Client Library Optimizer

One embed to rule them all!

Test Page Generator

Test Page Generator

Generate tons of Pages for testing at scale

Query Editor

Query Editor

Build and debug QueryBuilder queries in real time!

Developer Health Checks

Developer Health Checks

Automatically check your components and templates.

AEM Fiddle

AEM Fiddle

Web-based AEM IDE perfect for POC’s, experimenting and running ad hoc scripts.

JSP Code Display

JSP Code Display

A tool for tracking down those pesky JSP errors hidden away in compiled servlets.

AEM LiveReload

AEM LiveReload

Give Cmd-R a break

  1. In some circumstances, manual installation using the package manager will not appear to successfully complete. If this happens, reloading the package manager UI is necessary.

ACS AEM Bundles

The optional third-party dependencies used on various features across the ACS AEM Commons and ACS AEM Tools projects are available for download as convenient CRX Packages.

Download the latest bundles

Who we are

We are developers that build things for Adobe products including Adobe Experience Manager (AEM, fka CQ, fka Communique).

This is a free, open source, community owned project. This project is not supported by Adobe Support. Please log any issues with this project to the project's Github issues.

Please note that the name of this Github organization and repository are from a legacy ownership of the this project. Adobe Consulting Services no longer maintains this project, rather the AEM developer community does.

ACS AEM Commons

An AEM development and component toolkit for bootstrapping any AEM project


A set of tools for AEM to make developer lives easier

ACS AEM Samples

Collection of AEM code samples, examples and templates